Friday, April 25, 2008

Milly Style

Milly fully enjoyed "Children Appreciation Week" at school a couple of weeks ago. She goes to Kinderberry Hill on Mondays and Tuesdays and each day that week was a different theme. Here she's posing her duds from P.J. and favorite sports team day.

Today we had her 2-year doctor appointment AND her school conferences. She did exceptionally well at each and received lots of praise for her 30+ month level of accomplishments. Apparently, making the #2 sign with her fingers is a big deal and a sign of intellence at this age (we'll see how long that lasts--remember who her parents are). She weighed in just under 21 lbs and she's a towering 32 inches - about 5th percentile against National averages. She's a smart little peanut!


GFamily said...

You really know how to impress us. Not only are good looking (it's the genes !!) but you are very smart indeed.

I think being in the 5% percentile these days is the way to go. Lean, Mean and Smart. Great combination.

Keep up the great work and we will see you next weekend.

Grandpa and Grandma

elderfrys said...

Dancer, singer, fashion model, or brain surgeon? Miss Milly you have what it takes, all 21 lbs of you..