Sunday, May 18, 2008

Andrew's Graduation - May 7 - 8, 2008

Congratulations Andrew! We were very fortunate to be with Andrew in Boulder, CO for his gradutation from the University of Colorado - Boulder. Milly loved her second flight to Denver and delighted the entire flight crew with her smile and good spirits. She was very proud of her own seat and explain to everyone that she was going to Denver to see "Andrew Dave Melissa too" (that's Milly talk for Uncle Andrew, Uncle Dave and Melissa).

Andrew "walked the plank" with his engineering colleagues on Thursday evening and then stood with his entire graduating class on Friday morning. Given the early morning ceremony on Friday, we weren't able to stay out too late for a celebration on Thursday although we did raise a glass or two at the Attic before sending Andrew out to party with friends.

We had a great trip and did some fun exploring in Boulder and Nederland where we stayed in a great rental house we found on We even survived the frigid temperatures and 2" snow we received on Saturday morning.

Dave and Melissa are doing great and we had a wake-up call to what real exercise and dedication is after thoroughly prodding Melissa about the training she's doing for her upcoming Ironman race in September. While we were in CO, Melissa biked 60 miles, ran 15 and swam 2 miles - she not only looks great, but her upbeat attitude and determination has inspired us to get movin' and kick start some form of exercise habits.

Mom and Dad drove us to the airport on Sunday night before spending some additional time with a former neighbor of Dads. They drove home with Andrew this past Friday and are slowly getting into the swing of MN life again.

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