Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter 2008

We hope everyone had a happy Easter! The Easter Bunny almost didn't make it to 100 Jersey for the first annual basket and jelly bean nest hunt, but after a panicked start at 6:15 a.m. she rallied and came back for a strong showing. The basket, tracks and nests were strategically placed in the living room (flour was substituted for baby powder as Milly was about to wake-up and risking the noisy linen closet door wasn't worth it). Once everything was done, she made coffee, checked in on Milly and we went upstairs to get Daddy.

Milly's response to, "I think the Easter Bunny was here." was, "Wow! At Milly's house? (HUGE smile!)" Milly got shy during the actual 'hunt', but nerves turned into smiles again once a jelly bean hit her lips. After we went to church (Milly was on her most perfect behavior), we packed the car and headed to Grandpa and Grandma Frys' house. The Easter celebration was spent watching Milly find hidden eggs, Aggie accidentally eating a chocolate egg, Marge and Lilly wrestling, both Angie and Milly opening multiple Easter baskets and eating the most delicious meal. We really out did ourselves. After dinner the adults traded Easter baskets playing the same dice game we played at Christmas. It was a lot of fun. Justin received a basket full of grilling accessories, sauce and candy and Michelle received a Perkins restaurant gift basket with a nice gift card, pancake fruit sauce and candy. We were all winners!

The day came to a close well after dinner time and since both of us were traveling the next day (Justin to Philly, Michelle to Vegas) we had to sadly leave the girls w/ Russ and Janice. It was a great Easter and we're still eating our way through the candy!


GFamily said...

We just cannot believe how Milly has grown over the past month. What a big girl she has become !!

Lot's of rain today; took it easy and went to a dinner at a couple who we met playing golf. We were really impressed by their house. If the fog was not so thick, we may have seen the sunset and the mountains!!

Spring is really here in the Mountains. Trees and flowers are blooming, the grass is green and the pollen count is above average. Looking forward to temps in the 70's and seeing the dogwood bloom.

Dad and Mom

elderfrys said...

We love to see yet another darling picture. I did not notice the pierced earings..Shame on me..We did have fun with the Easter baskets. Duluth was interesting..Not as cold as I thought it would be..We have a painter working on the inside. All the wallpaper has been stripped, and he must now prep the walls, and I must choose the wall color..All furniture has been placed in the middle of the living and sun room. This painter is from Twin cities, so he stays there to do the work..The Frys family is now the sole owner of the house. Lee has 90 days to purchase the house at a specified price. This is soo scarey. We dont think he will come up with the money,so it will go on the market in June..The neighbor has a friend who wants to buy with his help, and they are not interested in teaming up with Lee..Lets hope all this works out, or the elderfrys could end up moving to Duluth, by default. Not a good retirement plan for sure..Have a good week. JVF