Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter

Milly and I made the best of the wintry conditions. We sang Christmas songs and created a masterpiece on the day before Easter. Milly named him Elmo... go figure.


GFamily said...

Wow!!! Look at the snow. I've already forgotten what it's like. Milly looks wonderful and proud of "Elmo". Keep the pictures coming. I miss all of you.


GFamily said...

Mom told me about your snow situation. Today was 74 degrees with sunny skies. I played in a five team men's match. Today we played 20 ball. Every team must use 20 balls per nine and whoever has the lowest score per nine wins. We placed third and lost $20. For the week I'm down $15. Not bad considering I'm one of the worst golfers in the group. There are golfers in their 70's that shoot below their age. I hope to improve while I'm here or I might not be invited back!!!!
Have a great Easter.

Team Frys said...

Milly and Justin need snowman making class 101. I would have named Elmo, Jabba the Snowman.

Kangas/Balfanz said...

We are amazed at the changes we see in Milly every time we get togeather.
My favorite line of the day on Easter was Milly's. After being asked how many eggs she had collected during the Easter Egg hunt she replyed "Quatro" There was immediate bilingual silence in the room, as we all looked around at each other.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! It will be great to keep updated on what Milly has been up to. I am also rather impressed with the Wisconsin jump around clips, nostalgia at its best.

I can't wait to see next weeks blog, you bloggers!

- Marcus

DaveG said...

Hey send me that pic of Milly and I in Steamboat!


elderfrys said...

Guess who had the most trouble getting the blog thing ? Webster's said it is a journal often used by a third party. That didnt help..I think I have 3 blogs floating around somewhere..I saw Snowman Elmo on Thursday. He was a dirty pile of snow with yellow spots and three carrots- Aggie & Marge must not like carrots. The melted snowman is a good sign that Spring is coming. It sounds like gfamily has the retirement thing all figured out..We are headed for Duluth this weekend. It will be a high of 30 and lots of snow on the ground..I am sure it will be pretty in a winter sort of way. Team Frys has some pressure posting those pictures of Milly. We cant get enough..JVF