Sunday, April 6, 2008

It's Milly Time!

Cheese! I had such a fun weekend.

Mommy and I played all day on Friday--she hardly worked at all and I loved it! Daddy worked from home, but he was locked in the office so I couldn't bother him. We went and looked at a new house in the afternoon, but both Mommy and Daddy said it was best to wait before making any purchase decisions. I picked out my room--it had blue shag carpet and there was a copy of Goodnight Moon on the bedside table. It was a very old copy and Mommy said I couldn't touch it, but I did anyways. After that we went to PetSmart and picked up some Pro Plan for Marge. I got to look at all of the fish and the parrots were whistling at me. I couldn't whistle back, but I tried. We dropped Daddy off at home and Mommy took me to my favorite place--The Mall!

See my new shoes? I got them at The Mall. I tried on lots of shoes because my feet have grown. The lady said I needed a size 51/2 wide. I said I wanted the pink and purple ones. Mommy didn't agree, but I got cool tennies and Tevas that both have pink on them. I guess I still need white sandals, but this store didn't have any that we liked.

On Saturday Nana and Grandpa Frys took me to the zoo. It was super busy and the lines were long. I was a good girl and stayed in my stroller. I saw huge fish, camels, birds, tigers and baby farm animals. It was very sunny and warm outside. I wore my sun glasses. I fell asleep on the car ride home. Nana fixed my hair after my nap and we went out to dinner. Mommy and Daddy came to dinner too.

On Sunday we went to Grandma and Grandpa Grant's house. It was cold, but I ran around and made sure there weren't any gobblins. Elmo came too. We went to Lowes and made a new key for their house. After ensuring the key worked, we went to Barkers for lunch and I had my own rootbeer!! Daddy said I almost ruined my appetite, but I ate my entire hotdog and Oreo cookie. I fell asleep on the ride home.

Such a busy weekend. I have school tomorrow, so I hope Mommy lets me write more later. Bye!



GFamily said...

WOW !! What a busy weekend you had Milly. I bet you will be glad to get back to school and a normal routine.

Size 5 1/2 shoes - What a big girl you are getting to be. You're catching up to me; I wear a size 12.

I really like your Bossy shirt. It reminds me of your Mom when she was your age.

Have fun at school; see you soon!!

elderfrys said...

Milly Babes-I love your Tevas, and your red toenails..They are to die for! I would like to send the zoo photos, but I haven't figured that out yet..Stay tuned.