Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Milly's 2nd Birthday

Milly turned two on Saturday, April 19 and we had fun celebrating all weekend long. The weather was a bright and sunny 70 degrees on Sunday and we had a BBQ with Justin's family.

Weekend highlights included multiple calls from friends and family singing Happy Birthday to Milly, Milly's second haircut, Milly sneaking and opening a present when no one was looking, watching Milly finally figure out how to hold up 2 fingers,and actually squeezing 8 people and 3 dogs onto our new screen porch!

Justin is traveling this week for his National sales meeting in Marco Island, FL. He left this morning wearing shorts so I gave him a hard time. He's playing a lot of golf so he brought his clubs. Watch out dad!

We're definitely looking forward to visiting Colorado and watching A graduate. I can't believe it. Andrew sent Milly another 365 folded paper cranes last week so we think she's close to the good luck of having 1000. Thanks Godfather.


DaveG said...

Sure looks like fun. Wish we could have helped celebrate!

Please send cupcakes!
Dave & Melissa

GFamily said...

What a great birthday bash!! Milly looks so much bigger than when we left. This was a great wake-up present today, seeing Milly and the rest of the family.

Michelle, you really outdid yourself again on the cake. Where did you learn to decorate like that!! Save a piece for me.

Dad & Mom

elderfrys said...

Who got the cupcakes? I see more than one interested party ! Hard to believe Miss Milly is already 2 years old. She is such a little doll..