Saturday, March 29, 2008

Finally in Las Vegas!

I finally made it to Sin City and had a great time with my Purina clients this week. The weather was a sunny 80 degrees and felt amazing compared to the 30 degree weather I left back home. I saw the Bellaggio fountain while Candy and I sipped champagne across the street, watched Elton John perform on his 61st birthday and won $150 while playing b-i-n-g-o! Oh, and my presentation on the switching behavior and nutritional beliefs of breeders was well received too. (If you look closely in the pic, you'll see my newly pierced ears! I now know that anything can happen in Vegas.)

1 comment:

Kangas/Balfanz said...

I think I can see the earrings!
You look veery Vegas, love your new hairdo.
"Still a Nice person" gets better with pierced ears.
